English Information

Sometimes we just need help – though it may be hard to admit it and even harder to find the right person to turn to.

If you feel burdened with the following issues, don´t hesitate to contact me. Offering professional support as a psychologist, psychotherapist and counsellor, I work with clients e.g. on:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Relationship problems
  • Developmental crisis
  • Low self esteem
  • Constant worrying
  • Compulsive shopping


Since 2014, I offer psychotherapy in English for adults and teenagers based on the person centered approach (PCA), founded by the American psychologist Carl R. Rogers.

Before that, I worked as a psychologist and legal advisor at die möwe Kinderschutzzentren, after some years as a HR professional in various companies in Austria and Germany. I studied Psychology and Law in Vienna, Amsterdam and Berlin.

Working with my clients on their problems and issues, the most important attitudes for me as a therapist are empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence – jointly creating an environment where personal growth is not only possible, but very likely.

It is crucial for me to be helpful not only due to my academic and professional background, but also to be present as another human being.


In counselling, we work on specific issues and problems, developing new and creative perspectives and ressource-oriented resolutions.

Compared to psychotherapy, counselling involves less time, depth und broadness. This approach is especially helpful for clients who look for support when dealing with clearly outlined problems.

Settings & Costs

Single session: 50min/110 Euro

Couple session: 90min/180 Euro

Your health insurance might cover at least a part of the costs. We will discuss that as well as other FAQs in our first session.

I will supply you with a bill at the end of our session and ask you for payment via bank Transfer.